
(In engish below)

VAIRAGYA Indiast – kuningliku perekonna isiklik tervendaja, oma kätega tervendanud üle 30 aasta.

–Mindfulness seanss / Mindfullness
– selja-ja kaelaprobleemid/Back and neck problems
– India näo-ja peamassaaž / Indian face and head massage
– Ayurenergeetika / Ayurenergetics
– Holistiline massaaž / Holistic massage
– Refleksoloogia / Reflexology
– Raku integratsioon (Core Integration)
– Kätega tervendamine / Healing with hands
– energeetiline massaaž jne. / energetical massage

Vairagya töötab
– iidse India teaduse – Ayurveda Energia ja marma punktidega
– India tšakra süsteemiga
– Kabalaga
– Traditsioonilise Hiina Meditsiini meridiaanidega ja akupunktuuri punktidega

Seansside tutvustus SIIN


Vairagya on India ravitseja, kes on töötanud ning elanud mitmetes kohtades üle maailma, ning on olnud ka kuningliku perekonna isklik tervendaja.

Ta on aidanud mitmeid sadu inimesi enda poolt loodud tervendamismeetodite abil. Vairagua ravib inimesi oma käte abil. Patsiendid on öelnud tema käte kohta, et need on väga eriliselt tunnetatavad ja et nad pole kunagi tundnud sellise positiivse ravijõu ning energiaga käsi.

Tema raviedu põhineb sügavatel teadmistel-oskustel idamaiste tehnikate osas ja tema enda kui tervendaja meditatiivselt väga sügav-puhtal seisundil, mis on saavutatud aastakümneid kestnud mediteerimise abil, ning mis tagab patsiendi energa selge tunnetamise ja evektiivse ravi.

Tema käed on vabastanud inimesed selja- ja kaelavaludest, stressist ja depressioonist; tasakaalustanud tshakrate süsteemi; tervendanud unehäiretest ja kroonilisest väsimusest; toonud leevendust sügavate psühholoogiliste probleemide ning füüsiliste haiguste korral jne. Patsiendid saavutavad energia vabanemise läbi imepärase lõõgastuse, puhastudes aastakümnete jooksul kogutud valust, probleemidest jm.

Tänu väga pikaajalisele kogemusele, kulub tal tavapärasest vähem aega, et inimesed tunneksid paranemist.

Vairagya on ühendanud oma teraapiasse ja energeetilise tervendamise (sh. ka massaaži) tehnikatesse selliseid tervendamismeetodeid nagu Südame Ayurveda (loomupärase) Integratsiooni Energeetiline Tasakaalustamine; Holistiline Vitaalne Massaaž (kasutades energeetilisi meetodeid); Jalgade Refleksoloogia Energeetiline Integratsioon jt.

Lisaks praktilisele tegevusele, on Vairagya jaganud läbiviidavate kursuste kaudu oma teadmisi-oskusi üle kogu maailma: USA-s, Austraalias, Taiwanis, Indias ja Hispaanias jm. Nende paljude koolituste jooksul on puudutatud teemasid nagu spirituaalsed energiaväljad; Yin-Yang; Hara tasakaal; kaasasündinud sensitiivsus ja teiste inimeste energiaväljade tunnetus jne.

Väga oodatud on tema energeetilise ravi (sh ka massaaži) väljaõppe koolitused, kus osalejad saavad tõeliselt häid teadmisi iidsetest india tarkustest ning tervendamisest, aga samuti ka Vairagya enda poolt välja arendatud energeetilise ravi efektiivsete tehnikate kohta. Vairagya õpetab oma erinevatel kursustel, kuidas kätega tervendada, kasutades iidseid tarkusi, marma punkte ja kanaleid kehal, et aidata inimesi seljavalude, siseorganite, jäsemete probleemide korral, aga ka peavalude, emotsionaalsete pingete jm puhul.


Vairagya sessions

– Ayurenergetics
– Holistic massage
– Reflexology
– Healing with hands
– Indian face-, neck- and headmassage; backmassage;
– energetical massage etc.

Vairagya will work with

* The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda Energy and the marma points
* The Indian chakra system
* The Kabala
* The traditional Chinese medicine meridians and acupuncture points

Vairagua has combined some healing methods into his therapy and energetic healing and massage techniques, such as Energetic Balancing of Heart Ayurveda (natural) Integration; Holistic Vitality Massage (using energetic methods), Energetic Integration of Feet Reflexology, etc.

90 minutes Ayur [ayurvada] energetic sessions

Whether you have a back ache, headaches, sexual dysfunction, knee problems, infertility, sinusitis, chronic shoulder/other health problems or work/family related stress, or are just looking for a bit of preventive care, these sessions will work wonders.

NOTE: If someone has a serious condition, it is always best first to have and bring a medical diagnosis, and then these sessions can be used in conjunction with normal medical treatment.

AyurEnergetics Vertical Consciousness is fast and accurate and can be used to treat a wide range of physical, mental and emotional conditions.

Many people come for specific treatment of an injury, chronic health problems or work/family related stress. Some clients attend sessions to work through issues that arise frequently in their lives, such as anger, fear guilt, insomnia, relationship breakups and panic attacks. Others come because they find that energy balancing helps relax them and keep them at optimum health.

Common conditions treated include:

• Chronic back and neck pain
• Depression and anxiety
• Menstrual and fertility problems
• Chronic fatigue
• Chronic stress and panic attacks
• Headaches
• Trauma and grief
• Abdominal pain and constipation
• Low energy
• Breathing problems
• Sore knees, shoulders and joints
• Speed up healing after surgery
• Sports injuries

How does it work?
In short, AyurEnergetics Vertical Consciousness understands that when channels are blocked, specific illness, pain or symptoms can appear. AyurEnergetics Vertical Consciousness works with energetic channels and centers in the body – chakras, pranic fields, meridians and other energetic channels. Using hands as sensors, the blockages and imbalances in the energetic system are felt and then cleared, using various energetic techniques. During a session, your physical and energy body systems are opened, activated, rejuvenated and energised back to full open flow and health.

AyurVitality Circulation Balance
AyurEnergy Lymph Drainage Balance
AyurSpinal Balance
AyurChakra Balance
AyurEnergy Liver Balance
AyurThrusting Channels Balance
AyurReverse Spinal/Conception Vessel Balance


Vairagya has worked and lived in many places around the world. Vairagya’s treatments skills and knowledges have been appreciated even by the royal family, for whom he have worked a lot of time.

He has helped hundreds of people with the healing methods he has developed himself. Vairagua heals people with his hands. Patients have said that they sense something really special coming from his hands and that they have never experienced hands that have such positive healing powers and energy.

The success of his healing comes from deep knowledge about Eastern techniques and from his meditative, deep-pure state of being that has been achieved by decades of meditating. This way he senses his patient`s energy clearly and can heal effectively.

His hands have healed people from back and neck pain, stress and depression; balanced the chakra system; healed from sleeping disorders and chronic fatigue; helped people with deep psychological problems and physical conditions, etc. Patients experience deep relaxation through the release of energy, and get purified of pain and problems that have been piled up for decades.

Thanks to his long experience, it takes less time for him to make people feel better.

His therapy methods work in every phase of life.

Vairagua has combined some healing methods into his therapy and energetic healing and massage techniques, such as Energetic Balancing of Heart Ayurveda (natural) Integration; Holistic Vitality Massage (using energetic methods), Energetic Integration of Feet Reflexology, etc.

In addition to practical activity, Vairagya has also shared his wisdom and knowledge through facilitating courses around the world: USA, Australia, Taiwan, India, Spain, etc.These courses have included spiritual energy fields; Yin-Yang; Hara balance; inborn sensitivity, and sensing the energy fields of others, etc.

His courses about energetic healing and massage are very popular. Participants learn really valuable material about the wisdom and healing of ancient India, and they also learn about the effective techniques of energetic treatment developed by Vairagya.